My name is Usha Vedula and I’m a portrait photographer. I specialize in photographing women. Women of every age and size. Women who are mothers, daughters, sisters, businesswomen, housewives and grandmothers – everyday women like you and me.
I want to photograph any woman who has ever looked in the mirror and not felt beautiful enough or good enough. My clients are women who decided to step in front of the camera and be photographed. These are women who have realized that they have not had a professional photograph taken of themselves since their wedding day. The most common excuse that I hear from my clients is that they are not “photogenic”, “hate having their photos taken”, “need to loose weight” or simply “feel awkward in front of the camera”. Here’s the good news. You are perfect right now, just as you are – there has never been a more perfect time. It is my job as a photographer to make you relaxed in front of the camera, connect with you and gently guide you through posing that flatters you – regardless of your dress size or age.
My mission is to take the most beautiful photographs that you’ve ever seen of yourself, because I believe that every woman deserves to have a beautiful portrait of her. I want to show you how beautiful you are – to help you reconnect with the woman you maybe haven’t seen for some time and be awed by her again – the gorgeous woman that you thought you’d lost. Choose to have beautiful images of you, for your children and the people who love you. In 30 years these photographs will be priceless. Your children will hold them dear and they will remember you and treasure them forever.
I invite you to a personal session with me. It will change the way you see yourself.